Python Programming

the revolution will not be televised

Date of Easter for the Years 1982-2048

Python Programming: Chapter 7, Exercise 9.

Most of this is from ReexamPracticeQuestionSolutions.pptx (or in my case, .odp). You can download it at:

##from: ReexamPracticeQuestionSolutions.pptx

'''Ex 9.  A formula for computing the date of Easter in the years 1982-2048,
inclusive,is as follows: Let a = year % 19, b = year%4, c = year%7,
d = (19*a + 24)%30, and e = (2*b+4*c+6*d+5)%7.
The date of Easter is (d+e) days after March 22 (which could be in April).
Write a program that inputs a year, verifies that it is in the proper range,
and then prints the date of Easter that year.
Check dates at:'''

def main():

    year =input("Enter a year between 1982 and 2048: ")
    if year < 1982 or year > 2048:
        print("Illegal date")
        a = year%19
        b = year%4
        c = year%7
        d = (19*a+24)%30
        e = (2*b+4*c+6*d+5)%7
        days_after = d+e
        days = 22+days_after
        print "In year ",year,", Easter falls on",
        if days <= 31:
            print"March " ,str(days)
            print"April " , str(days-31)


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